Helping others: not when you are a m*****

Some people have lost all desire to live. They have fallen into the monotonous daily routine of a boring life.

Service Science
4 min readMar 5, 2021

Some people have lost all desire to live. They have fallen into the monotonous daily routine of a boring life.
They say that there is nothing to do and that life has no other purpose than boredom.
Let’s take a look at the causes of planetary malaise.

Aim for a better life to finally help others?

You can’t give more than you have, so let’s learn to have:

Some small figures…


→ “This appeal was launched following the publication today of a report by the International Labour Organization which indicates that 246 million children between the ages of 5 and 17 work in the world, mostly in dangerous conditions.”
According to UNICEF-

→ In Asia, 127.3 million children between the ages of 5 and 14 are economically active.
In Sub-Saharan Africa, 48 million children aged 5 to 14 are economically active.
ILO — International Labour Organization-


→ Unemployment rate is 24.6% in 2016 for 15–24 year olds
Start learning how to generate money in addition to your job?


→ “Nearly 1 in 3 workers is [stressed] by it”.
“More than half of the 160 million workers say they work at hellish rates (56%) and in very short time frames (60%)”.
According to HEXALTO-

→ “According to a WHO report, 7 million people die prematurely due to pollution in the world (2012) of which 3.3 million due to indoor air pollution and 2.6 million due to outdoor air pollution, the equivalent of one death every 2.7 seconds (counter).”.
“Every 4 seconds, one kilogram of food is irradiated in France, i.e. about 5000 tons per year”.
“Nearly 13 kilos of excess nitrates are discharged into the environment in France every second, or 400,000 tons per year”.
Nitrates directly attack red blood cells, preventing them from transporting oxygen. The skin turns blue and you die of asphyxiation.
According to CONSOGLOBE-


→ “More than one million children are victims of identity theft”
“66% of the minor victims were under the age of 7”.
“791 million identities have been stolen in the U.S. (more than the entire population of the country), which means that some people have had their identities stolen many times over.”
According to VPNPro-
Every 39 seconds a computer is hacked.


“Every day, 25,000 people starve to death.”
According to the UN-

“820 million people suffer from hunger”

According to the ONU-

3.1 million children die of hunger every year.

1 child out of 4 is stunted

According to FOOD FOR LIFE-

“Nearly one billion people do not have access to a source of [safe drinking] water.
According to WHO-

Scandalous. I don’t know about you, but knowing all these men, all these women, all these children going to bed at night with a ball in their stomachs, it disgusts me… On the other hand, what else can I do?
We can’t give more than what we have, so let’s have a lot:

Now that we are full of joy and good humor, let yourself dream: what would you do if you were capable of anything?

What would you do if you were financially independent?
What would you do if you had a lot of self-confidence?
What would you do if you had dazzling health?

Would you give money to associations? Would you go around the world to help all those in need? You would build a school in the heart of Africa?

Except, you can’t…

How can you give 2,000 euros per month to an association that is close to your heart if you don’t have it?
Start learning how to generate enough money to help others and yourself?
How can you give the maximum to your family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers if you don’t love yourself, if your daily life is boring you?
How do you want to be generous and help the most needy if you yourself are destitute?
You can’t give more than you have… so make sure you have as much as you can.

So learn to be better so that you can finally help the unfortunate…

It all starts with you. Help yourself, and then you can help others.
You’ve probably heard this example dozens of times, but… On the plane, if there is a depressurization, you have to take care of yourself first. If you prefer to put the mask on your child first, neither you nor your child will survive…
How can you be useful to others if you’re a piece of shit?
“If you don’t think of yourself first, don’t expect others to do it for you.”
Nis Arend, founder of the women’s professional coaching agency The Corporate Confidante.
Based on Buisness féminin,

Aim for a better life to finally help others?

Ps: If you are like me and you go straight to the bottom of the page, you should know that every day 25,000 people die of hunger, 820 million people suffer from hunger in the world according to the WHO.
On the other hand, the general malaise in today’s society prevents us from doing anything: we cannot give more than we have. So let’s start by helping ourselves before helping others.
Aim for a better life to finally help others?
Aim for a better life!
Let’s become financially free so that we can help the most needy!
The PSD System
Yes! I’m joining the P.S.D. system.

